CHED: Medical schools can admit students who have not taken the NMAT for AY 2020-2021
In view of the postponement of the schedule of the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) authorizes medical schools to admit students who have not taken the NMAT, subject to their regular admission requirements.
This is only for AY 2020-2021 because the Center for Educational Measurement (CEM) failed to administer the NMAT last March 2020 due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of Enhanced Community Quarantine (EQC) in Luzon and many areas in the country.
“The Commission, in its en banc meeting on June 30, 2020, responded to the call of many students who want to pursue their medical education but were not able to take the NMAT which is required for admission to medical school due to the current health crisis,” said CHED Chairman J. Prospero E. De Vera III.
NMAT is a standardized test designed to upgrade the selection of applicants seeking admission to Philippine medical schools. Historically, it has been used to screen qualified candidates aspiring for a medical degree as it can be a good predictor of aptitude to withstand the rigors of the medical program. Currently, there are 56 higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country authorized to offer the doctor of medicine program.
According to De Vera, the CHED decision was prompted by the concerns expressed by parents and students on how to proceed into the medical program without the required NMAT. Based on the data gathered from the CEM, there are about 9,000 registered applicants to the NMAT.
With the various HEIs set to open classes starting August, the CHED decision should settle the concerns of students, parents, and HEIs offering medical education.
(signed) J. PROSPERO E. DE VERA III, DPA Chairman Commission on Higher Education Philippines