As part of the Regional integral efforts for adapting the new normal and motivated by the principle of “We HEAL as ONE… We LEARN as ONE,” the CHEDRO-III arranged the presentation and critiquing of the Region 3 Higher Education Consortium (R3HEC) Thematic Focals’ outputs on Data Gathering, Analysis and Synthesis on their respective areas on 22 July 2020, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM with the attached provisional agenda.
This event aims to present the data gathered, analysis and synthesis of the Thematic Focals on Operations, Instructions, Research, Extension and Productivity, and CHEDRO 3 Operations, to the HEIs in the Region, for their comments, suggestions and recommendations before crafting the Regional Higher Education Action Plan (RHEAP).
Presidents/Heads of institutions are requested to participate in this meeting, especially during the plenary sessions, while the following are the target participants to attend the breakout sessions: Thematic Area Participant Operations | Vice President for Administration/Director/Planning Officer or equivalent Instructions | Vice President or Director for Academic Affairs or equivalent Research | Vice President or Director for Research or equivalent Extension and Productivity | Vice President or Director for Extension or equivalent
Kindly confirm your attendance by registering through the google link, , on or before 22 July 2020, 8:00AM. Zoom Meeting details will be provided once registered. All registered participants will be given Certificate of Participation in this important and momentous event. Those who will not be able to login to the session and those who would like to hear the plenary sessions, may also watch through the CHEDRO-III Facebook ( ).
For the HEIs usual support and attendance, please.