Statement on the news reports that CHED will conduct face-to-face classes in July
24 June 2020
It has come to my attention that there were news stories today saying that CHED will be pilot testing face-to-face classes starting July 2020.
This is not true and the said reporters may have misunderstood my television interview yesterday.
In the last IATF meeting, we created a new category called MGCQ low risk for geographic areaslocal governments that have no new cases in the last 28 days and where health facilities are able to handle COVID-19 cases.
During this meeting, the IATF has allowed Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to have limited face-to-face Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) training programs starting July.
This is the reason why CHED, in consultation with the Department of Health (DOH), is now crafting guidelines for possible limited face-to-face classes in low risk MGCQ areas as part of the flexible learning system.
The Commission plans to submit these guidelines for the consideration of the IATF in late June or early July. If approved, I will personally visit the higher education institutions (HEIs) who will redesign their classrooms, libraries, auditoriums, cafeterias and other facilities based on health protocols and guidelines and see if limited face-to-face is possible in low risk MGCQ areas. I will do this in July and recommend to the IATF the applicable policies for the opening of classes in August.
The IATF last May 13, 2020 has approved the opening of classes for HEIs that will use flexible learning in August. So there will be no face-to-face classes in July 2020.
J. PROSPERO E. DE VERA III, DPA Chairman Commission on Higher Education Philippines