The Commission on Higher Education Region III invites all heads of higher education institutions for the 2nd “Monthly On-line Kapihan at Talakayan” which aims to provide a virtual channel for the Commission to effectively disseminate and implement policies, standards and directives in order to ensure that all HEIs are well informed, are on board and are properly guided. In this 2nd Kapihan, the CHEDRO-III website will be launched in response to the thrust of the government of providing up to date relevant information to stakeholders and easy access to frontline services in the new normal. A brief walkthrough of the website will be presented as well during the said event.
In this connection, the Presidents / Heads or the designated Key Officials of the HEIs in Region III are invited to attend the 2nd Monthly On- line Kapihan at Talakayan with CHEDRO III on 30 October 2020 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM via Zoom Meeting.
The following are the Zoom credentials: Meeting ID: 945 0121 7287 Passcode: chedr3 Link: https://zoom.us/j/94501217287?pwd=TjFSRHArc3Y0Y1M0TjFzT09lclpvUT09 Those who will not be able to login to the session and who would like to hear the sessions, may also watch through https://www.facebook.com/CHEDRegionalOffice3/.
Should there be any inquiries or concerns, kindly coordinate with the CHEDRO3 Technical Division at telephone number (045)-402-66-59 or email at chedro3@ched.gov.ph .
Everyone attending this event is encouraged to have their coffee cup ready for the Kapihan Toss. “Tara na. Kapihan na. Talakayan na.”