CHED CL holds Thanksgiving Anniversary Mass and Blessing of the Regional Office
In celebration of the 2nd National Higher Education Day and the 28th Founding Anniversary of the Commission on Higher Education, an anniversary thanksgiving mass was held which coincided with the official blessing and inauguration of the newly renovated and refurnished CHED Central Luzon Regional Office on May 17, 2022, at 8:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Enrique Luzung, officiated the holy mass. In his homily, he shared the true meaning of genuine peace by obeying God’s will. He likewise emphasized that challenges and tribulations are normal parts of man’s journey in life.
After the mass, Rev. Fr. Luzung blessed the CHED CL building, its premises and employees.
#Blessed #2ndNationalHigherEducationDay #CHEDCL TrueAndGenuinePeace