CHED Central Luzon Sports Fest 2022: A Showcase of Team Spirit and Sportsmanship
Capping the last day of the celebration of the 2nd National Higher Education Day and the 28th Founding Anniversary of the Commission on Higher Education, CHED Central Luzon Regional Office III employees gathered together for the Sports Fest on May 20, 2022, at the Colegio de Sebastian, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.
The event started with a parade and opening program. To symbolize the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie, Dr. Leonida B. Sigua-Calagui, Regional Director, lit the cauldron in a symbolic torch ceremony.
Featured sports events in the tournament were basketball, volleyball, and badminton. Team games were also participated by employees which brought lots of fun such as sack race, balloon popping and “the boat is sinking.”
The activity ended with the awarding of the prizes.
#CHEDCLSportsFest #2ndNationalHigherEducationDay #CHEDCL #Sportsmanship