ATM: Mock Visit of the Office of the Executive Director and Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management Teams for Operational Diagnostics and Action Planning (ODAP) for FY 2021-2022.
The team from CHED OED and OPRKM composed of Engr. Kenette Castro, Ms. Lou Samantha Platon, Ms. Ma. Francia Orcine, Mr. Glenn Marco Antonio and Mr. Raimiel Dionido conducts a mock visit to CHED Central Luzon Regional Office for the Operational Diagnostics and Action Planning (ODAP) Project for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 with the theme, “Building on Existing Digital Systems and Creating Opportunities for Digitization”. The objectives of the mock visit are to identify current digitized information systems, demonstrate and assess the systems in place at CHED Central Luzon. Dr. Leonida S. Calagui, LLB, CESO III, Director IV of CHED CL warmly welcomes the team.