ATM: Hybrid Public Orientation on the CHED Memorandum Order No. 06 s. of 2022, “Sustaining Flexible Learning in Higher Education: An Addendum to CMO No. 4 Series of 2020”
The Office of the Executive Director headed by Atty. Cinderella Filipina S. Benitez-Jaro, and Chairperson of the Technical Working Group on Flexible Learning and Office of Programs and Standards Development team headed by Dr. Cherrie Melanie Ancheta-Diego, Director IV, OPSD and members of TWG Prof. Ninia I. Calaca and Dr. Grace J. Alfonso conduct a Hybrid Public Orientation on Flexible Learning on the Addendum to CMO No. 4 Series of 2020, “Sustaining Flexible Learning in Higher Education” at Hotel Stotsenburg, Clark, Pampanga.
The said activity is attended by various HEI officials from the different regions of the country and the CHED Central Luzon Regional Office personnel headed by Regional Director Dr. Leonida B. Sigua-Calagui.
In her welcome remarks, Dr. Calagui, emphasized the imperative need of this forum as most of the higher education institutions across the regions all over the country will be opening their classes for the School Year 2022-2023 this August and they need to be further illuminated on the addendum to the CMO to quide them on the nuances and intricacies of the successful implementation of flexible learning.
Dr. Edizon Fermin, member of the Technical Working Group discussed provisions of the addendum to CMO No. 4, Series of 2020 “Sustaining Flexible Learning in Higher Education.”