All Systems Go for Flexible Learning and Limited Face-to-Face Classes from among HEIs in Central Luzon
The CHED Central Luzon Region (CHED-CLR) under the stewardship of Dr. Leonida B. Sigua-Calagui, LLB, CESO III, conducted a general on-line re-orientation of CHED Memorandum Orders on Flexible Learning and Limited Face-to-Face Classes on August 15, 2022 from 1:00PM-5:00PM.
In her opening remarks, Dr. Calagui, pointed out that this is a timely activity in as much as there were only thirty-one (31) participants from the Region who attended either online and onsite during the National Orientation earlier conducted by the Office of Programs and Standards Development Office (OPSD-CHEDCO) at Clark, Angeles City on August 8, 2022 and considering that there are two hundred fifty (250) public and private higher education institutions in Central Luzon. She likewise emphasized that issues on medical insurance, mass vaccination of students, teaching and non-teaching personnel, must all be clarified. Further, she added that, “retrofitting of our education facilities and learning environment must likewise be the common goal for all the HEIs, especially those which will be implementing the limited face-to-face classes. Ensuring the health of everyone is always a top consideration.”
The topic on “Sustaining Flexible Learning in Higher Education: An Addendum to CMO No. 04, s. 2022” (CMO No. 06, s. 2022) was presented by Dr. Roel P. Anicas, Education Supervisor II. The presentation of the “Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Learning” (CMO No. 04, s. 2020) was shared by Dr. Maria Teresa Salta, Education Supervisor II. On the other hand, Dr. Mildred Libot, Supervising Education Program Specialist, was tasked to present the “Monitoring Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Learning,” as embodied under CMO No. 32, s. 2021. The discussion on the “Amendment to Article IV.H. of CHED-DOH JMC No. 2021-004” or the Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Classes for all Programs of Higher Education Institutions in Areas under Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response and Amendment of Article III.B, Item 12 of CMO No.01, s. 2022 was taken care of by Mr. Arvin Teopaco, Education Supervisor II. Dr. Jo Ann Gamboa, also an Education Supervisor II, presented the “Supplemental Guidelines to CHED-DOH JMC No. 2020-004” (Additional Guidelines for the Operations of Limited Face-to-Face Classes of Higher Education Institutions in Areas under Alert Level 1) while the “Guidelines on the Safety Seal Certification Program for Higher Education Institutions” was discussed by Dr. Ma. Teresa Salta, Education Supervisor II. In between the presentations were interspersed with questions and answers (QA) portion for further clarifications.
The closing remarks was delivered by Ms. Lora L. Yusi, Chief Education Program Specialist of CHED-CLR where she captured two most important points for all the participants to take to their hearts, namely: to continuously ensure the health and safety of everyone by strictly practicing utmost diligence and to continuously dispense quality and excellent education to our students, even in this time of the pandemic.
Overall, the regional virtual orientation was attended by a total of 456 participants coming from the seven provinces of Central Luzon. Very clearly, it’s all systems go for flexible learning and limited face-to-face classes from among the higher education institutions in Central Luzon.