Strengthening Campaign Against Illegal Drugs Through Sports, Launched
The Commission on Higher Education Central Luzon Region (CHED-CLR) launched its intensified campaign against illegal drugs through sports development via hybrid mode participated in by guidance counselors and sports coordinators from the different higher education institutions (HEIs) of Central Luzon. The on-site participants attended the event at Stotsenberg Leisure and Park Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga while the virtual participants attended via Zoom platform. The whole day event was held on September 29, 2022.
The Welcome Remarks was delivered by Ms. Lora L. Yusi, Chief Education Program Specialist who represented Dr. Leonida B. Sigua-Calagui, LLB, CESO III and Director IV of CHED-CLR. In her message, Ms. Yusi underscored the importance of the revival of sports development from among the HEIs in the Region as a strategy in strengthening the campaign against illegal drugs.
Ms. Mona Liza Adviento Maghanoy, Assistant Chairperson, Varsity Sports Program and Assistant Professor, College of Human Kinetics at the University of the Philippines-Diliman served as the Resource Speaker on “Integrating Mental Performance Coaching in Sports Development.” In her presentation, she highlighted the importance of facilitating self-determination, facilitating metal “toughness”, practicing and promoting mindfulness through the athletes. In addition, she likewise emphasized that optimal development, optimal performance and optimal experience in sports development can only be realized by practicing mindfulness.
On the other hand, Mr. Glenn Mangalindan Guillermo, Information Officer III of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Regional Office III shared his talk on “The Role of HEIs in Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign and PDEA’s Programs Against Illegal Drugs.” His lecture concentrated on Republic Act 9165 otherwise known as “The Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002,” where he cited the importance of the law by emphasizing that “the State needs to enhance further the efficacy of the law against dangerous drugs, it being, one of today’s more serious social ills.” In addition, he also discussed the different types of illegal drugs as well as the corresponding penalties or sanctions as provided by law in the sale, manufacture, trade, distribution, administration and transportation of these illegal drugs.
Also, on the same occasion, the orientation on the Guidelines on the Tertiary Sports Development Program (CMO No. 08, s. 2022) was presented by Dr. Roel P. Anicas, Education Supervisor II and Focal Person for Sports Development and PADS (Philippine Anti-Drug Strategy) of CHED-CLR.
The Closing Remarks was delivered by Ms. Lora L. Yusi, Chief Education Program Specialist where she highlighted the need for a paradigm shift from among guidance counselors and sports coordinators of the HEIs in Central Luzon. According to her, there is a need for the HEIs to revisit their respective sports development program and that guidance counsellors and sports coordinators work collaboratively not only for the improvement of sports development but also in strengthening the campaign against all forms of illegal drugs and substance abuse. She exhorted the participants “to remain engaged and committed for them not only to survive but for them to thrive and excel.”
Mr. Patrick Louis Singson, CHED-CLR’s Sports Coordinator, served as the able Master of Ceremonies.