Bouncing Forward: Central Luzon Tourism and Hospitality Education Virtual Conference with the theme “Forging Ties Among the Government, Industry and Academe Amidst the Pandemic in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry”
The Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III (CHEDRO-III), in partnership with the Department of Tourism Region III invites all concerned to the Bouncing Forward: Central Luzon Tourism and Hospitality Education Virtual Conference on 21 October 2021 (Thurs) from 8:00AM to 12:00NN with the theme “Forging Ties Among the Government, Industry and Academe Amidst the Pandemic in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry”.
In this connection, all private HEIs, State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) in Region III offering tourism/ hospitality programs are requested to send four (4) representatives (one representative for each issue/concern) to the conference and register through the link: on or before 20 October 2021, 12:00NN.