CHED Central Luzon Regional Office III conducts Values Re-Orientation Seminar
The CHED Central Luzon Regional Office III conducted a Values Re-Orientation Seminar on April 13, 2022, at Ephata Development Center, SACOP Grounds, City of San Fernando, Pampanga as part of enhancing values development and creation of healthy work environment.
In her welcome message, Dr. Leonida B. Sigua-Calagui, CHED Central Luzon (RO-III) Regional Director, mentioned that the Values Reorientation Seminar is timely as it coincides with the Lenten celebration. It is an opportune time to do self-reflection and meditation. According to her, “This re-orientation is the best time to retreat, reflect, ponder, and surrender our lives to God.”
The facilitator was Rev. Fr. Domingo M. Salonga from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish – Barasoain Church, Malolos City, Bulacan. Fr. Salonga emphasized four weeks of Spiritual Exercises or “Banal na Pagsasanay”, divided with the following theme: (1) Reformare deformata which means to reform what has been deformed, (2) Conformare reformata which means to conform what has been reformed (3) Confirmare conformata which means to strengthen what has been conform, (4) Transformare confirmata which means to transform what has been strengthen. The spiritual exercises are opportunities to encounter with the Lord, added Fr. Salonga
Ms. Lora L. Yusi, Chief Education Program Specialist, made her closing message, by expressing gratitude to Dr. Calagui and Fr. Salonga.