2nd Semester 2021 Central Luzon Student Congress 25 November 2021
The Commission on Higher Education Regional Office III (CHEDRO-III), together with the Regional Government Agencies successfully conducted the 2nd Semester 2021 Central Luzon Student Congress Workshop with the theme, “Kabataan sa Bagong Normal (KaBaNo): Kasangga ng Lipunan tungo sa isang Ligtas, Malusog, Maunlad at Mapayapang Pamayanan ng Rehiyon III” on Thursday, 25 November 2021 via Zoom meeting and Facebook live, attended by students from Central Luzon.
Dr. Maria Teresita M. Semana, Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Director IV, CHEDRO-III, officially opened the event and mentioned how students matter in the society. Dr. Semana added that CHEDRO-III is committed to work hand in hand with everyone towards the achievement of our theme.
A message from Dr. Aldrin A. Darilag, Oversight Commissioner for Student Affairs, ensured that the priority of CHED and the rest of the other agencies is the students’ welfare and recognizes mental health issues brought by the pandemic and the sudden shift of learning modalities. He also challenged the students to heed the call of service by being a servant to others.
Mr. John Wesley S. Calagui I, Education Supervisor in charge of Student Affairs and Services (SAS), presented the Proposed Action Plan for the following main issues identified during the Pre 2nd Semester 2021 Central Luzon Student Congress Workshop: • Involvement of person who uses drugs (PWUD) in HEIs; • Continuous recruitment of members (Cadres) from students in HEIs; • High and increasing cases of teenage pregnancy; and • HEIs’ flexible delivery of SAS programs during the pandemic.
Mr. Calagui also presented the programs and activities of CHEDRO-III in promoting students’ welfare. The specific programs and services of the facilitating agencies were presented by: • Assistant Regional Director Rene Jose M. Gonzalez for the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA-III); • PCol. Rommel Allaga Velasco, Chief, Regional Community Affairs Development (RCAD) for the Philippine National Police (PNP-III); • Mr. Franz Liam Arabia, National Spokesperson for the Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT); • Regional Director Karl Caesar Rimando, represented by Ms. Joanna Maureen Marasigan for the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG-III); and • Regional Director Lourdes P. Nacionales for the Commission on Population (POPCOM-III).
Ms. Ivy Joy T. Gabriel, President, Junior Philippine Society of Public Administration, Tarlac State University delivered the Affirmation Message saying that it is very important to hear the students’ side and they support the planned yearly activity while Dr. Dolores T. Quiambao, Vice President for SAS, Don Honorio Ventura State University mentioned in her Confirmation Message that by this event, students, HEIs and other relevant government agencies can build the bridge that will connect them. CHEDRO-III Chief Education Program Specialist, Ms. Lora L. Yusi mentioned in her closing remarks that students can serve the community by doing what is expected from them and by being a productive member of the society. She concluded the program by saying that together we will be fighting illegal drugs, terrorism, teenage pregnancy and depression of students because “we’re all in this together”.
#KaBaNo #notodrugsterrorismandteenagepregnancy